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DUN 14条形码 是什么条码

2014-06-29   作者:中国自动识别网 收录   点击:1430
摘要:此条码在外观上有四框。主要用于外包装箱的条码DUN-14(Distribution Unit Number)不是一个真正意义上的条码类型。它是为使用集
关键词: 条形码 dun14

DUN-14(Distribution Unit Number)不是一个真正意义上的条码
类型。它是为使用集装箱使用其他条码符号的一种编码系统。DUN采用的条码类型为ITF 或者EAN 128,现在设施使用EAN 128条码类型。DUN-14条码可采用ITF 14或EAN 128条码类型制作。

DUN is not really a barcode type. It’s a Distribution Unit Number. However, it is frequently constructed from 12/13 digit retail barcode numbers, and uses a special check digit.
DUN-14 numbers may be represented by ITF or EAN 128 barcode, and modern implementation should use EAN128.
DUN-14 in EAN128 barcode form may be created by providing 13 digits (the Logisitcal Variant digit – normally 0 in the UK) followed by the first 12 of the retail digits (eg. from EAN-13 numbers but without EAN's check digit). The DUN check digit is then calculated and the barcode symbol produced using EAN128 symbology.

编辑  责任编辑:CNAIDC
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